The World Association of Alumni of the Sacred Heart (AMASC) is the organization that brings together all the alumni of Sacred Heart schools in the world, eager to cultivate mutual aid and friendship between them and to remain faithful to the values received during their schooling.
The education they enjoyed is rooted in the Christian vision of Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat (1779-1865). Built on the respect of the specificity of each person, with his/her gifts and his/her own talents and limits, this organization aims to lead the child or the young person to become aware of his/her responsibility to develop and use his/her talents for the benefit of all, and develops a keen sense of social justice, conducive to action. These values are still today the basis of the pedagogy of all schools of the Sacred Heart.
Founded in 1966 as an international non-profit association (AISBL) under Belgian law, AMASC main objectives :
- to be at the service of humanity for the construction of a just and united society, with an increased awareness of its social responsibility and a commitment to faith lived both in a personal and community dimension;
- create and maintain bonds of friendship and solidarity among all national federations and associations in order to create genuine international collaboration;
- cooperate actively and effectively with the Society of the Sacred Heart as part of its mission and its ministries;
- to have an effective voice in the international organizations to which AMASC belongs, with a constant concern for discernment and open-mindedness.
The AMASC brings together today 37 national associations representing nearly 20,000 members.
AMASC is a member of the OMAEC (World Association of Former Students of Catholic Education.