« Cooperation with the Society of the Sacred Heart in its various tasks and options » is clearly designated by our statutes as a privileged way to allow AMASC members to contribute to the construction of a more just and coherent society (see Art 3-2-b).
Many older women support the rscj, within their national associations or as part of AMASC. This commitment testifies to the reality of the bond that links them to the family of the Sacred Heart, but also to their fidelity to the values of sharing and responsibility they have received.
It is customary for the newly elected presidents of AMASC to visit the Mother Superior of the Sacred Heart and offer her to join in the development of a missionary work of the rscj.
In Rome, a Fund of Solidarity of the Mother House (FSMM) receives the calls of nuns soliciting a financing for particular projects with the agreement of their Provincial. Before any subsidy decision, the Commissary General appreciates them according to very precise criteria: they must in particular aim to allow the assisted people to have access to autonomy. In addition, for questions of justice between the various appellants, there can be no question of subsidizing always the same …
Several tens of thousands of euros are thus redistributed each year, from more privileged provinces or generous donors who are associated with the development of these projects but are not responsible for their conduct.
The solidarity projects proposed to AMASC alumni often come from this selection that the Mother House makes annually.
World Congresses generally present the results of what has been undertaken.