« One heart moving forward with courage and confidence »
The draft mandate 2022-2026 of Roselie Posselius
«Dear fellow Board members and friends,
Happy New Year to all. I am looking forward to a very productive, meaningful, and fun four years as we work to advance our organization and work to help promote the Sacred Heart Mission into the future throughout the world. I feel that we are blessed to have many opportunities to foster the work of our Sacred Heart family as we develop programs to encourage involvement and support our constituents. I am grateful to each of you for your continued commitment, dedication, and love of the Sacred Heart. I am honored to have you share your talents with this group as we navigate the next four years of AMASC together.
The executive team has had many meetings to gather the necessary information from the last Board and to set our goals in the areas that we feel need the most attention. Our first task was to come up with our theme: we have chosen “ One Heart moving forward with Courage and Confidence”.
We are in the process of gaining control of the finances necessary to operate our business. Through the help of Quentin Merny, we plan on having that in order within the next couple of months. At that time, Marie-Therese Sebrechts (Treasurer) and I will travel to Belgium to sign all the necessary paperwork.
The goals we have identified are of great importance to the future of our organization.
- To create an endowment fund: There is very little money in our account and we feel that a fundraising or capital campaign is imperative to guarantee that AMASC can be sustainable for many years to come.
- To find a way to include Alumnae/i throughout the world where there may no longer be school or Alumnae/i organization.
- To develop “Sacred Heart Connections” a tool to connect, share resources and cultivate membership throughout the world. Connections would include job and internship opportunities, relocation services, travel accommodations and goods and services provided by our alumnae/i across the globe.
- Review and update our statutes and by-laws to streamline the ability to accomplish our goals and to provide for unknown challenges that may occur (for example – allow for electronic meetings in case of the inability to travel as we experienced in the prior mandate.)
- To create a Social Media presence to easily communicate with our constituents. Because of restrictive privacy laws – we are unable to do mass e-mailings until we can create an opt-in system for people to accept such mailings. But we must find ways to communicate. We will need to photographic and video content along with our messaging. We must comply with privacy laws for this as well.
- To create documentation to aid in succession from one board to another. This guide would provide details regarding required activities and timing throughout the year in addition to procedures for shared tools, website, bookkeeping. We will share membership information, AMASC Board functions and responsibilities.
Other ongoing items include:
- The creation of videos for promoting information and increasing interest and involvement.
- Bi-weekly executive team meetings and monthly full board meetings until we are fully operational. (To be determined as necessary)
- Identify the areas most in need of our financial support.
- Build and maintain a closer relationship with all limbs of our Sacred Heart family tree. RSCJ, School networks, associates, etc.
- Research and utilize translation tools to improve our communication in the three official languages of AMASC.
I am happy to announce that Sr. Nsanja “Susan” Nankya rscj, from Uganda has agreed to serve as our Spiritual Advisor for the mandate. We are very grateful.
With these updates I would ask that we reflect upon a prayer by Janet Erskine Stuart, RSCJ:
“Loving God, unseen Companion of our life, give us faith and eager expectancy as we begin this fresh stage of our journey. Take from us all fear of the unknown and teach us to wrest treasures from darkness and difficulties. As the days come and go, may we find that each one is laden with happy opportunities and enriching experiences; and when this year reaches its completion, may our best hopes be more than ever fulfilled.”»