Some old projects
- In 2000, the RSCJ wanted to build a small primary school on Kyamusansala Hill, a rural area of Uganda. After a fundraising in which the AMASC participated, it was born in 2003. Ten years later, 530 little girls are welcomed there who can all access the high school, while the national average for girls is not 30%.
- In 2006, Sr. Clare Pratt brought to the attention of Hermine van Asten-Wennekers, Kibera Slum Primary School, in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya. It needs to be rebuilt but does not belong to the rscj. Therefore, the AMASC Board prefers to carry out 3 projects to help the Uganda-Kenya Province become autonomous: a sewing workshop in association with another international organization, a devotional candle workshop in pilgrimage sites in Kampala and a school supply store, first for the Mbikko school and then for the whole village. At the end of her term in 2010, Hermine and her vice-president Claudia Taylor decided to continue their commitments in favor of the rscj in Uganda in their personal capacity, through the Obumu Netherland-Uganda and SOS Malta associations (see Facebook)
- In 2015, AMASC decided to support the project of a rscj of Argentina, which wishes to offer a quality educational structure to the young people of Villa Jardin, a peripheral neighborhood of the capital Buenos Aires, socially very degraded (addiction to drugs, drug trafficking, various forms of violence etc.). As part of the school of the Sacred Heart ALCAL, the realization of the project allowed the creation of workshops, thematic days and cultural activities, community and reflection – within the framework of school programs – for all teenagers and young people from Villa Jardín.