All over the world, many Provinces offer young people ‘national’ volunteering opportunities. Often open to schoolchildren as well as young alumni or associates, they reveal other realities in their own country or in countries with which these Provinces have privileged links. For example: in Egypt, students and alumni support rscj clinics in Upper Egypt, Congo (DRC), garment workshops for young single mothers were created by older women. In the Province of Japan, student support rscj of the Philippines and the US Province Canada, those of Haiti…
- International volunteering, aimed at young people between the ages of 18 and 35, offers them to serve for a period of 1 month to 2 years in a rscj community in a working class neighborhood or in a developing country. Preparation before any departure is necessary, usually organized in the Volunteer Province. At the Mother House, Sr. Yuka Arita (JPN), assistant to the General Treasurer, has been entrusted with the task of rationalizing and coordinating all the possibilities offered in this field.
- Finally, as part of the festivities for the bicentennial of the arrival of St. Philippine Duchesne in the New World was organized on September 15, 2018 a « World Day of Service ». All over the world, rscj, young schoolchildren and their parents, alumni, associates were invited to put themselves at the service of relatives after asking the question: ‘If Philippine was still there, in my place, where would she serve? what would she do?’
Many groups are started in very diverse solidarity actions: preparing lunch bags for the needy, cleaning river banks, visits to retirement homes, etc. As one of the rscj who wrote this project wrote: ‘Throughout the world, it has been a wave of grace all day long!’. Given this success, the experience will no doubt be renewed.
For more information, do not hesitate to consult the websites of each Province or the International Society: www.rscjinternational.org