Dear Friends,
At this beginning of 2022, the last year of my mandate, I send my best wishes to each of you to be shared all around you: in your families, your friendships or associations, where you live and work!
As the Holy Father says : ” We are still living in uncertain and difficult times due to the pandemic. Many are frightened about the future and burdened by social problems, personal problems, dangers stemming from the ecological crisis, injustices and by global economic imbalances (…) While contemplating Mary who lays Jesus in the manger, making him available to everyone, let us remember that the world can change and everyone’s life can improve only if we make ourselves available to others, without expecting them to begin to do so. If we become artisans of fraternity, we will be able to mend the threads of a world torn apart by war and violence “.
We have the good fortune to belong to a large world family, so this message inviting us to ever greater fraternity cannot leave us indifferent. “Let us live together the family of the Sacred Heart” as the theme of this mandate proposes!
The difficulties of the moment have prevented me from getting closer to you as I would have liked by visiting national associations, but we continue to work for you. Our new website is regularly updated, our project to build a new school in Bougoudang is progressing…
Unfortunately, the health circumstances do not allow us to consider a World Congress like those of Merida, Phoenix or Malta, to mention only the last ones. Indeed, we cannot run the financial risk of cancelling it at the last minute for health reasons. We regret it as much as you do…
However, in accordance with the AMASC statutes, we will hold a General Assembly at the end of the year to elect the new AMASC Board. The General Assembly will be convened so that it can be held either in person or by video conference, depending on the health situation at that time.
As I indicated in my October letter, we will be convening an informal and enlarged meeting of the Board of Directors in the very near future: we will decide how and where to organise the handover to those who have applied to succeed the current team. And we will not fail to inform you of what has been decided.
Until then, may the grace of Christmas illuminate your new year!
With affection,
Paola del Prete